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Royal Dance Crew (Fall)

Information for dancers and parents


Welcome to Hopkins Fall Dance!

Our main form of communication is the BAND app. Use the link below to join our group if you are a current dancer or guardian. 



2022 Schedule

All events on our schedule are mandatory. Please plan trips and family events around the following dates. If you have a conflict with a practice or performance, email us right away so that we can plan for your dancer's absence.


Click here to skip to the most current event/deadline.

Mid July

Hopkins Raspberry Festival Parade

Stay tuned for information.

Raspberry 22.jpg

July 31

Activity Registration Due

Use the button below to complete your activity registration prior to attending practice - no payment is yet.

August 1

Fall Practices Begin

Fall Dance Team practices are in the Hopkins High School Dance Studio.


Summer practices are 4:00-6:00 p.m., Monday-Thursday (August 1-4, 8-11 & 15-18) . There is no practice the week of YDC (Youth Dance Camp). YDC is not required for Fall-only dancers, but you are welcome to help.


Once school starts, practices are 4:00-5:30 p.m.


West Junior High Students can take the activity bus to the high school directly after school (click here for activity bus info). Our season ends after the final home football game on October 20.

August 15

Uniform Payment Due

$200 Uniform payment is due by August 15.  We will purchase a Pom "Shell," a sleeved top to wear underneath on colder days and a team sweatshirt. Each dancer will also receive a pair of poms. 


Pay via Venmo to @HopkinsDance-CoachKarla

Please write your dancer's name in the memo for your payments. 

August 22-26

YDC - no practice

There is no practice the week of YDC (Youth Dance Camp). YDC is not required for Fall-only dancers, but you are welcome to help. Please note that Fall-only dancers who help with YDC do not receive fundraising credit for their participation.

August 23

Staff Welcome

Join us as we welcome our district staff back for the school year. We will join other fall sports in the entryway to the HHS and cheer staff on as they enter for the District Kick-off. Meet in the HHS studio at 7:15 a.m. You will be finished around 8:10 a.m.

August 25

Team Party

We will start at the North Junior High structure at 12 o’clock sharp for a team photo for the football program. If you are not part of YDC, please arrive at 11:45 so we can take our team photo promptly at noon. Wear your hair however you’d like.

Please bring your gray “Hopkins Dance Team” tank for our photo. We will need 3 extra tanks from winter-only dancers for our fall-only dancers. Wear black shorts or pants and any white Nikes.

Once our team photo is done, we will walk over to the high school and eat outside the cafeteria. Please bring $5 or Venmo @KarlaPalmersheim with the memo, “pizza.”

After we eat, we’ll go inside to the studio to play games, watch dance videos and decorate the studio. 


August 29

School Practice Schedule Begins

Last Monday morning Strength Training, 7:30-8:30. Venmo $10 per session @KirstenCoffey before attending Strength Training.


Practice is 4:00-5:30 Mondays through Thursdays through Oct. 20.


September 3

State Fair Parade

Parade line up is at 1:00 p.m. and the parade starts at 2:00 p.m. All participants receive a free ticket to enter the State Fair on parade day.  Click the button below to download parade participant details. Tickets and further information will be distributed at practice on 8/29.

September 9

Home Game Halftime Performance including YDC

Dancers need to be fully ready to perform at 6:00 pm for this game. Please wear your "We are One" shirt, black leggings, no-show or white low shocks and any white nikes.


Plan to arrive at school no later than 5:45 so that we are prepared to go to the field with the pep band right at 6:00 pm.


GETING READY - We will be getting ready together at 5 in the studio! This is not required however it’s always fun to be with your team. You will need to bring your attire for dancing and the football game. In addition…any glitter!!! If you’d like to come but don’t have a ride you can reach out to an upperclassman! If you are not coming to get ready please arrive ready to dance by 6!

DANCE ATTIRE - For the game we will be wearing a black sports bra and black leggings with an untucked blue “we are one” t-shirt. Make sure your leggings are plain black with small logos only, please no patterns or large logos. Wear white nike pegasus or any white Nikes. Please do not wear your winter shoes. Wear low white socks. Hair will be in a low pony and makeup can be however you would like. Please take off jewelry for the performance.

It will be cool, so bring your blue hooded sweatshirt, as well.

If there is rain, we will use our pre-game time on the field to determine if the field is safe to perform at halftime. YDC may still perform even if we cancel our performance.

Get ready for a fun FIRST home game!!!!

September 10

Fall Strength Training Starts

Strength Training resumes on Saturdays, 8-9 am. This is a separate fee and not required. Venmo $10 per session @KirstenCoffey before attending Strength Training.

September 15

School Fee Due

$200 School fee is due September 15 via Infinite campus. This payment goes directly to the school, so it cannot be combined with the Uniform Fee.

September 15

Away Game at TCO Stadium

Hopkins Football will play East Ridge on Thursday, September 15 at the Vikings TCO training facility in Eagan. Our bus leaves HHS at 5 pm and will return us to HHS after the game. 


Dancers need a healthy snack for after school and some money in case we are able to access concessions.


Check BAND for further details.


2600 Vikings Cir, Eagan, MN 55121, USA




Click here to download the waiver

September 30

Home Game Halftime Performance

Further details will be available prior to game day. Football game begins at 7 p.m. Halftime is between 7:45 and 8:00 p.m. Dancers are finished on game days between 8:15 and 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults and free for Hopkins students with an ID or Infinite Campus account.

October 7

Glen Lake Walk-a-Thon


Details will be posted on BAND by Thursday, Oct. 6. Bus will leave RAC at 8:45 a.m.

October 7

Away Game at Eagan High School


We will take the bus to and from Eagan High School to cheer on the Football team. We will do sidelines ONLY, no halftime performance since this is an away game. Look for more details on BAND later this week.


Bus leaves HHS at 4:45 p.m. Sweatshirt, black legging, white socks, white nikes. Bring black gloves - it will be cold.

October 8

*CANCELLED* Armstrong Dance Team

Fall Showcase


Hip Hop Practice Instead of Armstrong

*NEW* Hip Hop practice 9-11 a.m. Optional lunch after practice.

October 14


Pepfest & Halftime 

PEP FEST (Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors ONLY)

ARRIVAL - please come at 7:45 am for pepefest and boy girl practice before school.
PEPFEST - we will be excused from school at 12:30 and will meet at the studio. we will run the dance a few times then head to RAC when studco says it’s time.
ATTIRE - we will be wearing our blue long sleeve crop and black joggers. please wear a sports bra under the top that fits well. we will wear white socks with the white nike winter shoes. hair will be in a low pony with a braid. for boy girl we will wear the jersey over top the blue crop.

FOOTBALL GAME (all dancers)
ARRIVAL - we will be getting ready in the studio at 4:30. everyone must be completely ready to go at 5. The game starts at 6:00 p.m.
SIDELINES - we will be doing sidelines for the game. please review the school song dance!
ATTIRE - we will be wearing our blue sweatshirt with black joggers. please do not wear your winter shoes and instead nike pegasus. please wear lots of layers. it’s recommended to wear leggings and a long sleeve under your joggers and sweatshirt. bring gloves your hands will get cold holding the poms. our hair will be in a low pony.

October 19

End of the Season Party &

Final Home Game

Halftime Performance

We will have practice and a team party (including dinner) after school. Dancers should come to the studio directly after school and bring everything you need for practice and the game. See dancer chat in BAND for more details.


Football game begins at 7 p.m. Halftime is between 7:45 and 8:00 p.m. Dancers are finished on game days between 8:15 and 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults and free for Hopkins students with an ID or Infinite Campus account.

Current event/deadline
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